Saturday, February 19, 2011

Workouts Work?

I have a new job. I have a weekly routine. I am apparently a grown up. I think these recent changes in my life have enabled my recent 5:30am workouts. As you can tell this blog was created with the best of intentions, but my schedule did not seem to lend itself for anything routine and regular. I now have a 9-5 job, that has helped my find rhyme and reason in my life. This week I have worked out 4 times, all before 8am. It is Saturday and I worked out this morning. If you know me at all, you know that hell has frozen over. I attribute two things to my success, Netflix and my YMCA being ten minutes from my home and from my work. I am no able to surpass my intense hatred for all things aerobic because I can watch Scrubs, 30 Rock, insert your favorite sitcom, and not pay attention to what I'm doing for 45 minutes. I have enjoyed my mornings for the past week, and I have enjoyed the results even more. As much as I hate to disclose this, I think for accountability should tell you that I started the week at 147.8(tenths matter) and yesterday I was 145.2! My current goal is a normal BMI, which for my short stature is 132.2(again, tenths matter).

To give this a more interesting and comical twist below I have included all the reasons I hate working out:
- My face stays red for an hour after I work out
- I sweat
- I'm hot
- My feet get tired after 3 minutes
- I don't like watching skinny women run on the treadmill in front of me
- I don't like other people working out behind me
- I get wedgies and don't know how to handle that while on the elliptical
- I don't really like showering in an "away bathroom" (some people already know about my "away bathroom" anxieties, now everyone does)
- I have to wear flip flops while showering (again, "away bathroom" stuff)
- I have to get up at 5:30
- Its dark at 5:30
- Its cold
- I have to drink water
- Workout clothes are expensive
- My legs feel weird when I get off the elliptical

On a positive note, I would love some encouragement and accountability to continue with this lifestyle change so any positive comments are so much appreciated! Until next time!


  1. I died laughing at your list of why you dont like to work out! But in all seriousness, congrats on the pounds coming off! I bet that feels really good =) Keep it going!

  2. Yay!!!! good job love. this entry was hysterical.

    still going to smoke you!

  3. Woohoo! I cracked up over "my feet get tired after 3 minutes" " and I get wedgies..." HAHA! :) You are doing such a great job right out of the gate!!!! Keep it up!

  4. Girl. You can SO do this!!! Your body will learn to LOVE it! :) I'm proud of you!! 5:30am?? Sheesh.
    I encourage you to write a list of the things that you DO like about working out! Make it funny...and then think on those things... ;)
    Weigh out the pro & cons...and I bet the pros out-weigh the cons by about 15.6 lbs! (wink)
    Plus, the feeling you get when you start to see the skinny girls and not think that they are that skinny anymore is SOOOOOOO worth it. ;)
    Then reward yourself with a birthday party that has gourmet food & wine served by Chef Ross....
